Innovation and Renewal in Higher Education


Higher Ed Associates helps colleges and universities tackle some of their most strategic issues around strategy, innovation, and talent development. We know how to work with students, faculty and staff to distinguish between presenting problems and underlying issues, work through problems, prioritize activities, and improve results. 

Each institution has a unique fingerprint – its own combination of values, history, capabilities, environment and aspirations – that can be used as the foundation for innovation and renewal.  

Higher Ed Associates helps schools analyze internal and external information and present it in such a way that helps cut through organizational politics to produce meaningful discussions about results, resources, and academic direction. Higher Ed Associates can facilitate a process that allows diverse groups to view the facts, discuss alternatives, and collaboratively chart the future.  

We help schools with:

  • Strategy and innovation

  • Executive strategy sessions and strategy facilitation

  • Board retreats

  • Leadership offsites